Excavations of the Mayorovka settlement
The expedition of the Karaganda Regional Museum of History and Local Lore excavated a Bronze Age settlement located on the right bank of the Nura River, 4 km northeast of the central estate of the “Urozhainy” state farm, Nura district, Karaganda region. An excavation (936 sq. m.) on the eastern outskirts of the settlement revealed two dwellings completely and two partially. Rectangular in plan, dwelling 1 with an area of 270 sq. m, oriented from northeast to southwest, in the northern wall had a corner entrance 2 m wide and a transition to another, partially studied dwelling. An elevated platform began from the entrance, dividing the dwelling into two parts. The depth of the pit in the western side is 0.5-0.7 m, in the eastern side - 0.7-1.1 m. .3 m. The building was heated by a hearth located at the entrance and two open fires (0.65 * 0.65 and 1.3 * 0.8 m). Dwelling 2, also rectangular in plan, with an area of 160 sq. m, deepened by 0.4-0.7 m and oriented along the west-east line. An angular entrance 1.75 m wide was found in its northeastern side, and 27 pits and depressions in the floor. In the center of the building there was a household pit with a diameter of 3 m and a depth of 2.3 m. In addition, there were two open fires (1.55 * 1.4 and 0.95 * 0.65 m).
Pottery is represented by vessels of pot and jar forms, ornamented with hatched triangles, zigzags, indentations, and carved lines. Bronze items (adze, thread, awls, piercers) and drops of metal, bone arrowheads and stone trepans, pestles, graters, grain grinders were found. The material of the settlement finds analogies in the monuments of the Alakul culture of Kazakhstan and the Urals.