Excavations of cemeteries on the lake Dzhukei
3 km from Lake Dzhukei in the Shuchinsk district of the Kokchetav region, a detachment of the Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute recorded four burial grounds, numbering from 4 to 10 stone fences. Excavations were carried out in two cemeteries - Dzhukei I and II. On the first one, 108 sq. m and found three rectangular grave pits 1.3-1.5 x 1.0-1.2 m in size and up to 0.5 m deep, damaged during earthworks. In one of them, traces of burial were preserved, the other two were empty.
Six stone boxes (1.5-2.0x1.0-1.4x1.1 m) surrounded by fences of large stones were excavated at the Dzhukei II burial ground. They are composed of four vertical slabs and are covered with one or two slabs with traces of undercutting. A characteristic feature of the monument is sacrificial complexes consisting of vessels and bones of animals placed outside the burials. Only in one case (burial 7) were the bones of sacrificial animals placed in the grave. This burial is undisturbed. It was performed in a crouched position on the left side, with the head to the east, and was accompanied by a bronze item resembling a knife with an intercept, two mother-of-pearl beads, and a silver thread. The feet of the buried were sprinkled with ocher. In the southwestern corner of grave 6, a bronze item with a hat clad with gold foil was found. The rest of the burials contained from one to three vessels. The opened graves date back to the Late Bronze Age.