On research of the town of Burnooktyabrsk (Jylkyshytobe) in 2018–2019
Highlights the results of excavations of the Burnooktyabrsk settlement located on the territory of Jualy district of Jambyl region in 2018–2019. Excavations on the southern edge of the monument measuring 110×100×18–20 m have established that there was a two-story building complex. During the excavations, several rooms of the complex of various sizes were discovered. The walls of the building were built of raw bricks; the remaining walls are 2 m wide and 3–3.5 m high. Archaeological materials found during the excavations of the complex date back to the i–iV centuries. Found materials are very similar to the materials Kauynchinsky and Otrar-Karatau cultures. in addition, the nature of construction equipment is close to these cultures. The data obtained in the course of the study suggest that the complex was the center of agricultural community that inhabited this region during the Kangiy era.