The Results of archaeological exploratIon of ancient monuments In the Khantau, AItau And KIndyktas M
In the framework of this project, researches of Ancient monuments were systematized and additional archaeological exploration was carried out in the mountains of Khantau, Aitau, Kuljabasy and Kindyktas. As preliminary data showed a dense saturation of the region with ancient monuments, the first stage of practical researches was their exploration by using satellite images with subsequent full-scale researches. Cameral processing and systematization of the obtained materials was carried out in order to clarify the economic and cultural traditions of the population of the region in the paleo metallic era. Total area of the survey including adjacent valleys was about 4000 km². There is collected topographic material of about 500 monuments of the paleo metallic era and the Early Iron Age, as well as the planigraphy of more than 200 of them. We have more than 20 settlements, 165 burial grounds and 17 clusters of petroglyphs of Ancient periods. There were revealed 5 mine workings of the paleo metal period in Kindyktas metallurgical center. Data to determine the specific routes of Ancient migrations in the Western part of the Khantau transit corridor has been the result of the exploration.